In honor of “Rockford 815 Day” the Ethnic Heritage Museum and Graham-Ginestra House will be open for free tours! Every visitor who tours through the museum on Rockford Day will receive a coupon for a Free Zammuto’s Granita, located at 725 Kent St.
Explore your Rockford roots!
What is Granita? It is a non-dairy dessert, related to Sorbet and Italian Ice, that originates from Sicily, Zammuto's is the BEST! Zammuto’s is turning 100 next year!
This special treat is made possible by SWIFTT (Southwest Ideas for Today and Tomorrow).
Explore all of the Rockford Day Specials & Events HERE:
Go Rockford: “Rockford Day is held annually on August 15 but can be celebrated for multiple days or even the whole month! Rockford Day aims to showcase the people, places and things that make Rockford great with fun and interactive experiences throughout the city. We encourage everyone to use the hashtag #RockfordDay2024 or #815Day2024 in any social media posts about Rockford 815 Day!"
Explore your Rockford roots!
What is Granita? It is a non-dairy dessert, related to Sorbet and Italian Ice, that originates from Sicily, Zammuto's is the BEST! Zammuto’s is turning 100 next year!
This special treat is made possible by SWIFTT (Southwest Ideas for Today and Tomorrow).
Explore all of the Rockford Day Specials & Events HERE:
Go Rockford: “Rockford Day is held annually on August 15 but can be celebrated for multiple days or even the whole month! Rockford Day aims to showcase the people, places and things that make Rockford great with fun and interactive experiences throughout the city. We encourage everyone to use the hashtag #RockfordDay2024 or #815Day2024 in any social media posts about Rockford 815 Day!"